Street Photography in Indonesia


Let's hit the streets of Indonesia! Hello Indonesia! After searching the hidden gem all over Indonesia, we found it. This time we want to see the colorful and vibrant streets of Indonesia!

Walk through the streets of your city in Indonesia! From the hustle bustle metropolitan of Jakarta to the lovely neighborhoods in Bandung, we are sure that all of you have at least taken your camera and hit the streets of Indonesia!

Deadline: 11 November to 31 November 2024
How to participate:
- Share on IG (Tag @lomographyindonesia and hashtag is a must)
- Follow @lomographyindonesia IG is a must
- Uploading post with tag & hashtag of @lomographyindonesia, #lomoidstreet
- IG for final submission: Tag us @lomographyindonesia, #lomoidstreet
- The event article will be uploaded in the ID domain

Any format of film or instant photography works can be submitted, with no limit on submissions

Champion (1): Lomomatic 110 Golden Gate
Honor (7): Online shop coupon 15 EURO

This competition is only located in Indonesia

ditulis oleh adi_totp pada 2024-11-09 #berita #tempat #di-seluruh-dunia #street-photography-in-indonesia

5 Komen

  1. maswid
    maswid ·

    Hi, when will the winner be announced?

  2. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    @maswid bentar mas, masih penjurian yaa. Tunggu

  3. maswid
    maswid ·

    @adi_totp siap 86 min

  4. maswid
    maswid ·

    sudah diumumkan pemenangnya min?

  5. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    @maswid belum mas. Tunggu yaa

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