The End of Street Photography

Today I purchased the nice book by photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti entitled "Le Gendarme sur la Colline". Stunning photographs by a great artist, whose other amazing works I have appreciated. But it hit my heart when I saw that many faces had their eyes covered: all this due to a liberticidal French law that imposes very strict requirements on privacy. I own over 200 photo books, many by the great French masters, and this is the first time I have seen such horror. What will remain for posterity is a faceless society. Instead, we tolerate millions of senseless videos shot with cell phones. People show their intimacy with crazy hedonism when they have a smartphone in their hands and don't allow to publish a photo taken by great artists. We live strange days. --- Oggi ho acquistato lo splendido libro della fotografa Alessandra Sanguinetti dal titolo "Le Gendarme sur la Colline". Splendide fotografie di una grande artista, di cui ho apprezzato altri sorprendenti lavori. Ma mi è venuto un colpo al cuore quando ho visto che molti volti avevano gli occhi coperti: tutto questo per una liberticida legge francese che impone dei requisiti strettissimi sulla privacy. Possiedo oltre 200 fotolibri, molti a cura dei grandi maestri francesi, ed è la prima volta che mi imbatto in un simile orrore. Quello che rimarrà ai posteri è una società senza volto. Tollerando invece, milioni di filmati senza senso girati coi telefonini. Le persone mostrano la loro intimità con un edonismo senza senso quando hanno in mano uno smartphone e poi fanno storie per una foto scattata da grandi artisti. Viviamo strani giorni. ---

2 Komen

  1. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    hI, thanks for sharing. I am not so upset as you are, for the simple reason that the law of protection of personal image is in reality limited by other rules, the right to inform, and the right to create an artistic work.
    as it is said on this govenrment website "" : consent is not necessary, if the dignity is respected, and your image is not used for commercial purposes.
    I practice street photography every day everywhere, principaly in France, and I don't have any problem with that.

  2. sirio174
    sirio174 ·

    @mackiechartres Thanks. But if you take the book, there are many images with eyes covered. And this is a true artistic work. See for some samples:…

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