Have you ever heard about Ferragosto? Well, if you do not live in Italy or you have never spent your summer, in August, in Italy, I might say you probably do not know. Well, Ferragosto is a very very Italian holiday celebrated on August 15th.
It is celebrated just in Italy, despite the major European countries where the 15th of August is just the day after the 14th or simply the mid-month day!
Originally, it was related to a celebration of the middle of the summer and the end of the hard labour in the fields. During the Roman empire this celebration was for Diana.
Later, Roman Catholicism adopted this date as a Holy Day for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.
In Italy, the entire month of August is generally taken as holiday from professionals, offices and shops just for leisure time and relax. Everything restarts in September!
Important industrial and business cities such as Rome, Milan, Turin are like “ghost cities” in this period, just haunted by flocks of tourists with their cameras, even the tourists who flock en masse the beaches in my area.
I this year, instead of spending the day with friends and family, or splash around at the beach, I decided to lose myself among deserted hills, where tourism noises do not come.
In the realm of peace and silence.

Werra Werramat
Foma Fomapan 200
A lonely Ferragosto
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