I have always enjoyed taking photographs. We used to buy the disposable cameras when I was small. My mom had an old Pentax K1000. I took a photography class in high school, where I learned how to use the Pentax K1000. Digital cameras then became less expensive and they could take high quality pictures without the cost of developing. I switched to digital. I have been using a digital camera for about 10 years. Our friend introduced @icarus13 and I to @Kylethefrench. When icarus13 inherited a Leica M3 from his grandfather, Kylethefrench showed him how to use it and the advantages of analog. I then dusted off the old Pentax K1000 and started taking analog photos again. I love looking at things in different and unexpected ways. I also like colorful things and taking action shots what I would not be able to capture with my digital camera.
Berlin, CT/Amerika Serikat
Foto Saya Album Saya My Walls Notes Saya Likes Saya
Album Saya
Album: Waterfall Training
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2014-11-28 · 44 Foto -
Album: Karate and Around the House
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2014-11-28 · 25 Foto -
Album: Hiking and Winterfest
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2014-03-01 · 38 Foto -
Album: Mowhawk Trail and Bennington Downtown
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2014-03-01 · 29 Foto -
Album: Lomo Purple First Run
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2013-11-03 · 14 Foto -
Album: Mary and Kevin Engagement Photos
dibagi oleh pearlmsqueaks di 2013-11-03 · 125 Foto
Metas Saya
- Tags:
- animals
- b&w
- beach
- bennington
- black
- blue
- boat
- color
- colors
- ct
- dance
- dark
- dock
- expired
- farm
- filter
- fireworks
- flower
- flowers
- girl
- grass
- green
- lake
- leaves
- light
- ma
- maine
- night
- ocean
- pentax
- pink
- plant
- plants
- pool
- purple
- red
- rocks
- school
- sky
- snow
- sun
- sunset
- trail
- tree
- trees
- vt
- water
- white
- x-pro
- yellow
- Cameras:
- Brownie Hawkeye kodak
- Intova Underwater
- Kodak Disposable Camera
- Lomography Actionsampler
- Lomography Fisheye Lavander
- Lomography Fisheye No. 2 Pink
- Lomography Split-Cam
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Lomography Supersampler
- Minolta XG-1
- Olympus FE-340
- Paper Pin Hole
- Pentax K1000
- SC-911
- Vivitar
- Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim
- Yumeka
- light
- Films:
- 400 kodak
- Fuji
- Fuji 400 expired
- Fuji 800 ISO
- Fuji Provia 100F 35mm
- Fuji Superia 200 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Kodak 800-4 GT.
- Kodak 800-5 GT.
- Kodak BW400CN
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak ISO 800
- Kodak TMax 400 B&W TMY
- LomoChrome Purple Film 100-400 35mm
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 35mm
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm
- Walgreens Photo 35mm Color Print Film
- black and white
- iso 400 CVS